Sunday 11 October 2009

Little Boots

Turns out I was sitting behind Little Boots on the flight back from Tokyo. I could tell the group of 6 young trendy-types were a band of some sort when they first sat down in the seats in front and behind me. I don't really keep up with the music world these days, so I didn't recognise her or any of her bandmates, I actually found them quite annoying. I thought they were very loud and ignorant, so I wasn't looking forward to the next 12 hours I would have to spend with them thousands of feet in the air. They must have been pretty tired though as they kept quiet, leaving me to watch Moon and Year One in peace.

It wasn't until I was queing up alongside them in Customs when we got to Heathrow that my curiostity got the best of me and I asked who they were. The lanky fellow with a keyboard was closest so I asked if "you guys are all in a band", to which he replied "yeah" so I continued with "oh, so you've been playing in Tokyo?". They had been in Japan for around a month and by the sounds of it, it had been quite an exhausting stint. Each of them had various festival admission wristbands dangling from their limbs and luggage, on one of them I saw 'Little Boots' scribbled, so I guessed that's who they were. I asked Mr Yamaha and he confirmed it, "This little girl here", he said, pointing at the singer, "and we're the band".

I'm not a fan of Little Boots so I wasn't all that bothered. My only exposure to Little Boots prior to sitting behind her on a Virgin Atlantic flight was in one of those pesky Spotify adverts that so rudely interrupt Sacred Heart by Cass McCombs or Get Innocuous! by LCD Soundsystem - that's all I'm listening to these days.

Special Note: Little Boots had grey hair. She reminded me of Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Maybe she was inspired by Miyazaki while visiting Japan.

1 comment:

James Barnett said...

William, you sound like an old man.


Check out the Little Boots song 'Remedy'.

Ash has to send clothes to her all the time as part of his job.