Tuesday, 29 January 2013


2013 is upon us, January has sped by already, but fret not - for it was not an uneventful month.

This was the first scene of 2013, Star Wars: The Card Game. I attempted to ween myself off Pokemon cards by picking a new card game that wouldn't eat through my bank balance like the former had. I haven't played it since.

New Year's morning. Myself. An Adventure Time Jake hat. A Tokidoki calendar.

Explore, the company I work for, unleashed their turn of year marketing campaign on the world, which featured my face. I think I am supposed to personify 'fun'. Am I doing it right?

North Camp charity shops prove to be a treasure trove of old Star Wars books.

Holy pork balls, Nintendo announced a new Pokemon game. I got a bit teary-eyed as it was revealed the franchise is finally moving to a third-person view, rather than the traditional top-down JRPG gameplay we have enjoyed for the last 15-odd years.

Harajuku Queen and J-Pop idol Kyary Pamyu Pamyu released a new single, 'furisodeshon'. In the video she flirts with a big blue hairy bloke and drinks until she passes out - classic Japanese coming of age tradition, then. Kyary turned 20 in January and this is kind of a big deal in Japan. 

Surprise LEGO package from Tim Hornby. A thank you/late Christmas present. Amazing.

More card game geekery as I spent an entire evening playing the A Game of Thrones Card Game at Oliver Knight's flat. We drank, ate pizza and figured out how to play this game of intrigue, betrayal and epic battles.

Grandad Potter turned 76, so the family got together and we ate Chinese food and I took this photo which I rather like.

In a moment of madness I tried to buy an iPad Mini. Good job the finance application didn't go through as that led me to the next expensive gadget on my list: a new DSLR. I am gladly waving my old 400D goodbye as I make room for the flashy new 650D - which means I can now make nice videos and stuff.

View from the Explore office, first floor kitchen to be precise.

Speaking of my old camera, Sir Oliver Knight (pictured above), is borrowing it as a potential buyer. We braved the harsh white outdoors to take some photos of Lego. We looked like right weirdos.


I'm very fond of my new TOPMAN jacket and LAZY OAF Batman shirt.

The start of a new year means it's travel show season, so I was called on to work the Explore stand at the Adventure Travel Show at the Olympia in London. I stood talking to people about adventure travel all day, which was pretty fun actually but I nearly lost my voice.

Finally, dry January? Not when the Barnett Twins are about. 

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