Saturday, 13 December 2008

Pile of Shame

I have started a new list to the right hand side of this blog to publicly display the games that I have either not started playing, or have only played for less than half an hour when really I know I should have played them all the way through. Yakuza is something I know I will enjoy, I'm a total Japanophile and this game is set in Tokyo so I'm sure to get all doughy eyed playing it like I do when I watch Lost in Translation. I probably would have played Super Mario Galaxy more if it didn't look so awful on my television. Even when using the 'Official Nintendo Component Cable' it still doesn't look very nice on a high def set. I will have to get over this petty graphical gripe because from what I've heard Galaxy is one of the best Wii games out there. This list will get longer and it will get harder to wipe games off: Games are coming so thick and fast that it's hard to dedicate a decent amount of time to each and every game I want to play. I still haven't even managed to pick up a Playstation 3. £300 isn't something I can drop so easily in such an uncertain time for the economy, but boy that Santa Sackboy costume in LittleBigPlanet is soooo alluring.